Thursday 25 February 2016

Water water water swim
Swimming is a great sport, especially if you go to Balmoral Intermediate School and have house chants for your house group that you’ve only just learnt.

For example, when you’re in the water racing,  and the water is rushing past you because you're going really fast, and all you can hear is your team cheering you on, its a terrific feeling and this school had a whole day of it!
The houses won points for every swim that was swum and Te Wai, one of the houses, won the most points! Therefore they won swimming sports for 2016!
Well done Te Wai!

Little groups coming together to make one!

Okay so this year is a bit different I guess, I’m an Intermediate student, at a new school and a new year with new people.  So many ‘news’ wait... maybe a bit too many.
But, so far we seem like little groups coming together to make one.  What a fantastic way to start the year!


Tuesday 16 February 2016

Welcome to Room 9 !

Welcome to Room 9's blog!

We have made a great start to the year and have been busy getting to know each other.

We've also started planning for our Camp at Piha, which takes place in Week 6!  We're designing our menus and preparing our shopping lists...whilst sticking to a budget!

Our Room 9 bloggers will be keeping you updated on all of the things we get up to so keep watching...